Installing Lollipop

Download or clone this project and go to the charts/lollipop directory. Open and edit the values.yaml file and modify the configuration as required.

Parameter Description Default MongoDB address and port in the K8s cluster mongodb.l6p-system.svc.cluster.local:27017
global.mongodb.user MongoDB username root
global.mongodb.pass MongoDB password rootpassword
global.kafka.endpoint Kafka endpoint kafka.l6p-system.svc.cluster.local:9092
global.kafka.topic Kafka topic l6p.log
server.storageClass storage class of backing PVC hostpath
server.service.port port of the API server 80
server.ingress.hosts[0].host hostname of the API server
server.ingress.hosts[0].path path within the API url structure "/api/v1"
web.apiBaseUrl base URL of API ""
web.service.port port of the Web server 80
web.ingress.hosts[0].host hostname of the Web server
web.ingress.hosts[0].path root path of the Web server "/"

Please change in the configuration to your actual domain name, such as, and resolve the domain name to the external IP address of Ingress Controller. The external IP address of Ingress Controller can be retrieved by using the command kubectl get service -n ingress-nginx. If you are only running on desktop, you can add a record in /etc/hosts to point to the external IP address of Ingress Controller.

After modifying the configuration, please go back to the root directory and run:

helm install l6p ./charts/lollipop -n l6p-system

To check if the Lollipop pods have started, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n l6p-system --watch

When all pods are running and ready it means that the system has installed successfully.

Login Lollipop

Open the Chrome browser and access the home page of the Lollipop web console. For example, according to the default configuration, the home page address is

By default, the system will create an administrator account with the username admin and the password password.